Camera Obscura - Liceo de Sámara

Students learned about the origins of photography and the very first cameras by building their own cameras from cardboard, aluminum and paper. These small versions of the bigger camera obscura, the precursor to the modern camera which dates back to the sixteenth century, gave students a chance to explore the basic mechanics of photography. The camera obscura, which literally means “dark room” in Latin, is a simple way of projecting an image of the world onto a semi transparent surface. This early optical device was later developed into the modern day camera after the invention of materials which were able to permanently record, or fix the image onto a sensitized plate and later, a digital sensor.

As the simple optics of this crude camera show the world upside down and backwards, it’s a fun way to see the world from a different point of view!

Li Wang

I’m a former journalist who transitioned into website design. I love playing with typography and colors. My hobbies include watches and weightlifting.

Framing and depth in photography - Liceo de Belén


learning the camera - Liceo de Belén