About Tourism and Photography at Liceo de Sámara

Liceo de Sámara is located in the small pueblo of Torito located between Playa Sámara and Playa Carrillo. The school serves students who live in the coastal communities in and surrounding Playa Sámara.

Professor of photography David

The tourism course is given to students in the two highest levels and has the objective of giving the students knowledge of the tourism industry in Costa Rica, one of the principal sources of income throughout the country and especilly in the coastal region of Guanacaste.

With the goal of introducing students to how the tourist industry in Costa Rica functions, students learn about the variety of specific jobs within the tourist industry as well as the range of tourist opportunities and sites located within their country.

The photography training within the tourism course was developed with the goal of giving students the opportunity to develop their skills at capturing, understanding and presenting their personal visions of the world through images. Developing these skills gives the students a chance to explore the idea of interacting with and presenting ideas to others outside of their own community.

Professor of tourism Armando

The photo class began with a series of compositional exercises, continued through a set of more technical exercises involving a variety of cameras and lenses, and concluded with students capturing events and activities within their schools and the greater community. At the conclusion of the course, students had the opportunity to synthesize their creative work into a small display which they presented to their peers in a final presentation.

Congratulations to the students for participating in and completing a series of classes in a new subject.